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RideOn Super73 E-bike

We’re now taking online bookings

Following on from our last blog post, we’ve still a few things left to do before we’re ready to swing open our doors to the world.

That said, if you’re reading this then you’ve found our awesome shiny new website which we absolutely love (big up to Tim at TH Studio for his excellent branding and website development skills) and we are now able to take bookings online!

Whilst lockdown rules don’t allow us to physically hire out our Super73s just yet, you can still make a booking online now, for hire sessions from 12th April onwards. If things change and the government delay on opening non-essential businesses, we will of course be happy to re-arrange your booking or offer a full refund.

Sign up to our e-newsletter & follow us on social!

In the meantime, we’d love you to sign up to our e-newsletter list, and follow us on our journey, so please look out for us on our social media channels (Facebook/Instagram) and you can be amongst the first to know what we’re up to.

Right On!

The Ride On Team

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