Buy a Bike from RideOn Through the Cycle-To-Work Scheme
Feb 17, 2023

The Cycle-To-Work scheme was originally introduced in 1999 by the UK Government as a tax exemption scheme. The initiative allows employees to buy bikes, accessories and cycling equipment over a period of time, through their employers as a tax-free benefit. It also works to cut congestion on the roads, improve public health and have a positive impact on our environment. The scheme has seen over 1 million people in the UK purchase a bike so they can cycle to work.
What sort of bike can I buy?
The scheme allows you to purchase any bike or e-bike you would like to use for your work commute, including cargo bikes or specialist or adapted trikes for those with mobility issues. The scheme also includes any accessories you may need, such as clothing or safety equipment, but does not cover bike computers, power meters or GPS devices.

How much will I save?
You can save between 33.25% to 48.25% on any type of bike or e-bike. The scheme uses a ‘salary sacrifice’ mechanism so you make tax savings through your purchase. Your employer gives you a voucher to buy your bike package with, then they take repayments from your gross salary, which means you don’t pay any tax or national insurance on the cost of your package. The monthly repayments are interest free, making them affordable and easy to manage!
Why cycle to work?
You may have a variety of reasons for wanting to cycle to work, but you will probably find there are more benefits than you first thought. These include:
- Improving your health and fitness, therefore reducing risk of serious illness
- Saving money on fuel and parking costs
- Reaching fitness goals more quickly thanks to regular exercise
- Arriving at your destination feeling energised, instead of stressed from navigating traffic and parking
- Enjoying your work commute, making you happier and more effective at work
- Stronger mental health from daily exercise and fresh air
- Cycling by e-bike means you don’t arrive sweaty and worn out – a great option if you live further out or have a hilly commute!
- Helping reduce congestion and pollution through lower emissions and reduced noise

Am I eligible?
To be eligible for the cycle to work scheme, you must meet the following criteria:
- Be 16 or over
- Earn at least minimum wage
- Be paid and taxed via Pay As You Earn (PAYE) system
Note: The agreement is that 50% of the bike’s use should be for work. Other agreement conditions include insuring the bike against theft and damage, agreeing to the bike hire agreement or the ownership option.
RideOn have partnered up with three popular Cycle to Work schemes for you to choose from. Each scheme has slightly different terms, so you’ll need to look at each one and find the one that best fits your needs.
Where do I start?
If you’d like to purchase a new e-bike from RideOn here’s how…
Step 1: Chat to one of our team to choose your new e-bike and accessories
Step 2: We will give you a quote for your chosen e-bike package
Step 3: Complete an application via your chosen Cycle to Work scheme and to receive a voucher that you can purchase your new e-bike with!
Step 4: Tax-free repayments will be taken from your next wage

Give us a call on 01736 888777 or email us at to discuss purchasing a bike through the C2W Scheme.